What I am doing now??

I am on the hunt for skin friendly products available at affordable prices. Especially Paraben free prodcuts :)

If you know any products available in the market at affordable prices or have product review requests, you can always get in touch with me at ingallovesshopping@gmail.com.

Have a look around in my blog. Hope you will find something that interests you.

Thanks for Reading,

My Sweetie Pies :-*


Sunday, 26 February 2012

Tag-O- Mania

Hi Beauties,
Shruthi from Deals Steals n more tagged me to this fun and interesting tag.
So here are the rules:
Rule#1: Put the rules on your blog.
Rule#2: Every person who is tagged in this activity should tell 11 things about themselves, then answer the questions asked by the person who tagged you, then tag 11 other people and ask them 11 different questions.
Rule#3: Let the people whom you tagged know you've done so.
Rule#4: Don't tag anyone who's been tagged before.
Rule#5: Really do tag 11 others, don't go all ''if you want to take this tag''

11 things about me:
1. I love babies. I just love to play and spend time with them. Babies make you happy with their innocent smiles.
2. I dont like seafood
3. I am a commerce graduate.
4. I like to stay alone and spend time with me alone (only sometimes)
5. I love tamil poetry. (I cant write but love reading them)
6. I love to listen to melodious songs. I listen to songs only if I like the lyrics.I am crazy about finding the lyrics of the song, if I really like it.
7. I love to go inside the baby section of any shop and look at those tiny little clothes. I find them too cute :)
8. My recent obbsession is not to throw or give my son's first things. For eg; His first dress that my dad bought him. I have his first set of shoes till now. I want to save up all these and show it to my son when he grows up.
9. I can get really lazy at times
10. I am a complete Chocoholic
11. I am super sentimental. I have some things that I consider lucky and have it with me all the time. For eg: I used the same hero pen gifted by my dad for all my exams from 10th till I finished college. I still have that pen with me.

Ok, now to answer shruthi's questions:
1] What made you enter the Blogging world or Why you became a Blogger??
I always wanted to write and enjoy writing. I had a personal blog and food blog. But I couldnt follow up after my son's birth. So closed it :)
2] What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought(Like footwear, apparals, makeup etc)
Gold jewelry

3] How many inches does the tallest pair in your shoe closet measures ??
I dont wear heels.
4] At what age did you started wearing Makeup ??
5] Summers or Winters, Which of these you like the most and why??
Winters because I look fresh and I hate sweat :)
6] Lipsticks or LipGlosses, Which of these do you prefer and why??
(You have to choose either of the 2 not both ;)
Lipsticks all the way ;)
7] Pink or Purple ??
Purples suits me better :)
8] Tea, Coffee or Juice?? Explain please...
Coffeeeee, Not an addict. But cant do with my coffee in the morning. It makes my day :)
9] What are the 5 essentials you carry in your Handbag ??
Wet wipes. Lipstick. Compact. Comb. Bobby pins and safety pins.
10] Are you a Fitness Freak or a Potato Couch ??
Potato Couch.
11] LBD's or Gowns ??
Gowns look more royal.

Ok. Now for my questions :)
1. Do you shop on a budget?
2. Do you feel guilty on the amount of beauty products you have?
3. What do you think is your best purchase in regards to makeup?
4. What is your favorite language and why?
5. Are you brand crazy when it comes to accessories like handbags and shoes??
6. Ice Creams or Chocolates?
7. Whats your favorite high end brand and drug store brand for cosmetics?
8. Whats the best brand for skincare?
9. Can you go out of your house without any makeup? (Not even tinted lip balms)
10. One product that you cant live without?
11. How much time do you spend for blogging?
Phew!! That was exhausting. Ok Now to tag.

1. Nitya from thepurplespirit
2. krupa from All about ladies
3. Nivi from Beauty at times is skin deep
4. Lancy from Makeup and Beauty home
5. Varshini from World of Women
6. bharati from Crazy Pop Lock
7. Deepika from Divassence
8. Taps from Beauty through my Eyes
9. Jyoti from Everything that matters to me
10. Suma from isimplylovemakeup
11. Rekha from Glitter and Gorgeous

Hope all you beauties will do the tag :) It was really fun to do. Thanks to Shruthi once again for tagging me :)

Thursday, 23 February 2012

My February Blisscovered Box

Hi Beauties,

If you are following me on FB, you would have known how me and Sam from ISLM where ranting on how we have not got the stuff yet. When I checked the tracking number given to me today morning, it said the package is still in Mumbai. So I convinced myself that I will get by this weekend or next week. But guess what, I got it today afternoon. But I was not able to open the box immediately. The reason is you cannot open something like this with a naughty 2 yr old around :P So once I put him to sleep, I opened it and took some pics. Have a look at what I have got. Will do a review on Blisscovered experience by this weekend :)

Cute Packaging :)

A card on what the pack contains (Click on the picture to enlarge)

Shiseido bebefiance WrinkleResist 24 Balancing Softener

CK One Shock- Very Fruity smell

FE Honey & Vanilla Bath and Shower Oil
Chambor Waterproof Eye Pencil- Navy Blue

Omved Tired Foot Soak

I am really liking all the stuff I got. I want to try Shiseido Balancing Softener first.  Well, I want to try everything. Will post review once I try them :)

So what did you get in your Blisscovered Feb Box??

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Enter Stylecraze Community Giveaway


Join StyleCraze Community for the latest Updates & Advise from your favourite Bloggers @ www.community.stylecraze.com

Enter Stylecraze Community Giveaway and win Naked 2 Pallete :) Join here.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Reader Query- Best Face Cream and Face Wash

Hi All,

This is a query from Sathya,

" Actually i have skin tone, below neck it looks white but my face always looking at too dark, currently i,m using LOTUS WHITE GLOW but i didn't find any difference, most of all i tried many creams, can you guide me to choose best face wash or soap & best face cream to my face"
I had asked her what type of skin was hers and she said she has normal skin.

You are lucky girl Sathya, you don't have to be particular about getting products that may not suit your skin. Since you have normal skin you can try any products and most of the products will work for you. The darkness in your face can be due to sun tan or stress. Yes over stress can make you dull.

You need to find ways to replenish your tired and dull skin. Use a good and energizing face pack to revitalize your skin. My suggestions for face pack, are go for home made ones. Best is honey face packs to get glowing and moisturized skin. Read here to know more about using Honey in your face packs.

Commercial face packs.-
Affordable and give good results.
Himalaya face packs
Lotus herbals face packs
Aroma magic face packs
VLCC has small packs of facial kits for around rs 200. I have the silver facial kit that costs around Rs 750. I love it and it lasts for a really long time.

A little expensive:
Fabindia Face packs

ok, I havent tried anything that expensive. May be my lovely fellow bloggers would help you in it.

Face Creams:
Lotus Herbals White Glow Micro emulsion- My Favorite. Great for Summers
Lakme Perfect Radiance Day Cream- Really helped to brighten up the skin.

Face Washes:
VLCC Anti Tan Face Wash- The best till date. Removes tan and pigmentation.
Lakme Perfect Radiance Face wash- gives instant glow to your skin.
Ponds Pure White Deep Cleansing Face wash- Very drying in my opinion. But helps to remove dust and grime after a long day out. I use it only when my face is really dirty.

These are the best till day I have tried.
Beauties, please pour in your suggestions for Sathya's query.
Thanks in advance.


Friday, 17 February 2012

Honey in skincare- Simple Face pack Recipes for Glowing Skin

Hi Beauties,

Today I am going to share with about one of my most favorite skincare product. Yes its honey. I love using honey for facepacks. This tip I got from my mom. While going to college and working I used to travel by two wheeler. So pollution used to make my skin very dull. My mom will suggest to apply honey for a few minutes and wash off. Then magic happens. My skin becomes fresh and bright. From then for any occasion I used to apply honey to get good brightening effect on my skin. Then I began to try many other face packs using honey.


I love honey. The best part about using honey is it very moisturising. And it does not feel sticky when you remove it too.

What wiki says:

Honey's natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties and ability to absorb and retain moisture have been recognised and used extensively in skin care treatments as they help to protect the skin from the damage of the sun's rays and rejuvenate depleted skin. Honey is also often used to treat acne, either dabbed directly on spots or as a face mask, and has been used successfully to treat diabetic foot ulcers.

The Myth:
Everytime I say to my friends I use honey and suggest to them, they give a look like Whaaat??? They used to tell me that when honey is applied on your hair it will turn grey. This is a complete myth. I have used honey for both skincare and hair care. I have never faced such a issue. Infact honey is a great conditioner to use for your hair. It will help you tame your frizz and gives moisture.

Face pack recipes:
These some of the face packs tried by me.

1. Only honey: Yes. A very simple face pack. Apply honey all over your face and neck avoiding your eye area. Leave it for some time and wash off. This will give your clean and soft skin. Great for people with dry skin. You can use this as a everyday cleanser. Regular use of honey will help to brighten your skin tone.

2. Honey and Sugar Scrub: One of the best winter scrubs I must say. Very simple but results are amazing. Mix honey and sugar, apply all over your face. You can leave it for 5 to 10 minutes or use circular motions to make sugar work on your skin. Wash off.  If sugar crystals are abrasive just crush it a bit.

3. Honey and Oats face pack : One of the best. Grind oats in a blender not smooth but into smaller granules, mix it with honey and apply as a face pack. Wipe off. You will look brighter and your skin super soft.

4. Honey and Chocolate Pack: Can anything can get better than this?? If you have dark chocolate melt it and bring it to room temperature. Always melt chocolate in double boiler method. Mix honey with the melted chocolate and apply on your face. But be quick in mixing because once you leave chocolate to cool down it will become hard. Using dark chocolate gives effective results because it is rich in antioxidants. The smell of chocolate will help you calm down. Dont get too tempted to lick chocolate from your face :P
 Dont have dark chocloate??? No worries. Simply use cocoa powder with honey and get the same effects :)

5. Honey, Oats and Chocolate Pack : Another tempting face pack. Just add ground oats to the above mix. Oats will act as a scrub. Therefore it is a 2 in 1 face pack.

I always use any of these packs when I am tired or depressed. I am total chocoholic. Honey and Chocolate helps to calm my senses :)

So these are my favorite packs with Honey. Do you have any special recipes with honey that you follow?? Comment or mail me. I will either update them in this post or post them separately under your name :)

If you have skincare queries or want to know about other facepacks, mail me at indgalsblog@gmail.com. I do my best to solve your queries :)

If find any faults in the above recipes feel free to comment below or mail me. I will remove them immediately.

Ps: Certain products that work for me may not work for you. So always do a patch test on whatever products you apply for your face to see if it causes any reactions on your face. If there is no reaction go ahead :)

Bye for now :)

Enjoy your weekend. (I am working tomorrow also. Sob! Sob!)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Online Shopping Experience: Shoptatmajorbrands.com and tiny haul

Hi Beauties,
How you guys??? Hope you are all doing good.

Online shopping is very helpful for people like me to explore new products. This has helped to try some new companies. The offers you get from shopping sites also help you to get products at better prices than what you get in a store. This is an added advantage right? So any way, I wanted to try Inglot products for a long time. For me Inglot products are very expensive. So I kept myself away from the products. Then only came to know about their freedom system. This is a great way to try out products without burning your pocket. So when shopatmajorbrands.com was holding a sale I had to give Inglot a try. I dint get any thing when there was the 30% sale. Last month they had 20% off. So I used to try the shopping site and the products. Since I don't own a credit card I prefer COD. So I was happy this site was providing COD.

I dint read the terms and conditions on COD before making my purchase. So I thought I will get the products withing 5 days just like any other shopping site. But no, they need 7 to 10 days to deliver the products. My mistake I dint read the conditions.

So anywho, I made my order on Jan 27, 2012 and received it on Feb 8. 2012. So that is 12 days including Sundays. I got the products in a safe condition, which I liked.

The problem with the site was they dint even update my account until Feb 2nd. After that only they had updated to invoice generated that too after I sent a mail regarding my order status. They dint even have the courtesy to explain the reason on why the products are delivered late. I even tried to get in touch with them through twitter twice. But no response. After a week I got convinced that I wont receive the products or I will get them very late and let it go. I thought I will wait for few more days and then get call them to know about my order status. Then on Feb 8, I got a call from a courier company stating they have the parcel. I was quite excited. I curiously can and logged into my account to know if they had changed the order status. No, they had  not changed it and it was still in invoice generated.

The funny part was the day I got my products on hand, a mail came from the site stating your order has shipped. Still my account is showing only as order shipped.

Overall the delivery is very slow if you are going to order through COD. But this is not the case with online transactions. Deepika from Divaessence got the products within 5 days  (I think) because she made it to through online transactions. She ordered on Jan 29th. So I suggest this site only if you are going to make payments through online. If you don't mind waiting for around two weeks to get your products, then you can gladly choose COD. You should also remember that you wont get any response from them if you are going to mail them. I cant comment on their phone support because I have not tried it yet.

So to sum up:
Have some good brands to buy.
Great to buy when there is  a sale.
Fast delivery, if you are choosing online payments.

I found the website to be slow. I don't know if its only me who is facing this problem.
Pictures in the site can be misleading. So you need to find swatches online and then order.
Very slow delivery when you choose COD. Yes they have mentioned it in their terms, but yet there are so many online sites that deliver products within a day. (Flipkart is awesome when it comes to delivery. In beauty products I have to say Stylecraze)
No response from the customer care for the email I sent. No reply even in Twitter. This bugged me very much.
They do not show the shipping charges while you check out. The shipping charges are shown only after you complete the payment.
Free shipping on orders above Rs.1000. Rs.50 for purchases made below RS.1000.
Site is updated very slowly and you even get the intimation mail very slowly.

Overall I had okay experience with the site.

Will I recommend the site: Yes, they have many popular brands. It is the only site from where you can get Inglot products online. I suggest choosing online payments if you want to get your things fast. If you don't care about delivery time then go with COD.

Repurchase: Yes I will, only when there is a sale going. I will choose online payment method. (I am in the process of getting a Credit Card :D :D)

Here is the two products I got:
AMC Eye shadow 55: Rs 300. Got it for Rs.240.
Round Concealer refill MW200. Rs. 250. Got it for Rs. 200.

I am in love with both products. Review coming soon :)

So how was your shopping experience with Shopatmajorbrands.com??

Monday, 6 February 2012

Colorbar Velvet Matte Lipstick Naked Pink- Review,Swatches

Hi Beauties,

By now you must have known about the famous Colorbar Velvet Matte Lipsticks. The whole Indian blogging world is going gaga over it. This is my first lipstick from colorbar. I got it after reading reviews fromVanity no apologies. I loved the swatch on her blog and knew I had to get it. I want to tell one thing here. I am not a fan of matte lipsticks. But this is not completely matte and it is not drying too.

Note: All pictures are taken in natural light :)

Love the packaging and that small transperant space to show the color outside the tube. This is very useful for  finding the shade when you have a huge lot of lipsticks. The cap closes firmly and so I think it is safe to take during travel. I have not taken it with me out yet.

The color is a gorgeous brownish pink with mauve undertones. My skin tone is on the darker side and mauve lippies look good on me. My natural lip color is uneven. My upper lips are dark, while my lower lips are light. This lippie has decent pigmentation and helps to cover the lips fully. Since my lips are very dry I defintely need a lip balm all the time. So I cant comment whether it works without a lip balm.

My only con about the lipstick is it leaves a pink stain that doesn't fade that easily. But I am ok with it because it does not dry out my lips.

 I prefer to use this lightly. Because I find it a little dark when applied with full intensity.

Here are the swatches:

Applied lightly

Applied with full intensity

This particular shade will show up differently on different skin tones. Please check it at the store before you get it. In my opinion it is a gorgeous color that will work on all skin tones.

Price: Rs. 225 for 4.2 g. Got it for Rs.203 from stylecraze.com

Will I repurchase: Absolutely. I am eyeing on bare, demure, sultry pink and many other shades.

Recommendation: Yes, I am sure you will find at least one shade that you will fall in love from this range. And for the price every make up addict should own a handful :P

So do you like this color? what other shades do you suggest ?

Leave in your comments :)


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Ponds White Beauty Blemish Prevention UV Cream Review

Hi Beauties.
Finally, pulled myself together to do this review. Many had asked me to review on this particular product. Here is my thoughts on Ponds White Beauty Blemish Prevention UV Cream Review.

What they say and Ingredients list:

From the website:
Contains Pro-Vitamin B3 and SPF 15
Complete UV range protection as it protects against both UVA and UVB rays
Lightens skin and prevents formation of dark spots below skin surface

 Ok, I came to know about this product from Cynthia's blog. She has not reviewed the product yet. I got it because I have pigmentation and uneven skin tone post pregnancy. Another reason for my uneven skin tone is my laziness in using sunscreen (kicking myself for that ). So I thought it will help in lightening my dark spots and pigmentation. And also for further protection from sun.

The product comes in a cute and sleek pump bottle. One thing I can praise about the packing is it made of plastic (Yay!!!). This is lightweight and safe even if you put it down like me often. The pump dispenser is really good and gives the right amount of product in one pump.

This is one whole pump
The product has the same smell as the other ponds products. The consistency of the cream is perfect for application. Not too thick or too runny. One pump is enough for whole face and neck (at least for me). I like the moisturizing part of this one. It did moisturise my skin decently enough even in this winter. But when sometimes my skin gets too dry and then the moisturisation given by this was not enough for me. The mositurisation lasts for really long. But it leaves this whitish cast on my face, which I hate to the core. I had the same problem with white beauty cream as well.

Other than the moisturising part I dint find any major changes in my skin. It dint even brighten up my skin. When I use this before applying make up it makes my whole face look cakey. But thank god it dint break me out unlike ponds white beauty cream.I think it has done nothing to my face other than leaving a whitish cast when applied a little too much. So this just an okay product for me. When compared for the price I prefer Lotus Herabals Micro emulsion better. It makes my skin bright and healthy.

The pump dispenser

So to sum up the pros and cons:

Cute Packaging.
Has SPF 15.
Travel friendly bottle with pump dispenser.
Nice smell.
Consistency of the cream is perfect.
Gives nice moisturisation for the skin.
Needs only small amount to use.

Leaves whitish cash on my skin. (I face this with most ponds products)
Expensive for the results it delivers (300 bucks people)
Dint do anything to my skin other than moisturisation
People with very dry skin must use mosituriser along with this.
Gives cakey look.

Price: Rs.299 for 50ml. Got it for Rs.278 from Stylecraze.

Repurchase?? Noooo. I am quite happy with Lotus Herbals Micro emulsion.

Recommendation: This may work for people with light blemishes. Dint work for me.

Ps: I found that this same product is known as Ponds Flawless Radiance – Blemish Prevention UV Cream Review other Countries. Wonder why they changed the name and introduced it here.

PPS: Out of curiosity I wanted to know how the pump works because I thought it was different from the regular pumps. So once I finished using this I opened the cap. This is what it look like.

The pump works on suction power. That is, every time you press the pump, the product is pulled out using suction power. This method will help you not to waste any of the product in the bottle or in the pump tube. Cool no??

So have you tried this?? Will you get it? What other creams will you suggest for pigmentation problems?

Indgal :)

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